a.      We will provide your organaization with professional information technology consultancy services in the fields of infrastructure, security, and ERP (enterprise resources planning) solutions and implementation.

b.      we advise on plan, design and install information technology systems to clients

c.      our job includes :

                                i.          understanding customer requirements and business objectives

                               ii.          providing strategic advice on using edge  technology to achieve goals

                              iii.          managing IT initiatives and collaborating with in-house technical staff

d.      In the field of  ERP we will help clients in

                                i.          digital transformation

many organizations are not able to figure out when and how to begin their digital strategies transformation, this is where the IT consultant role begins in the following roles:

1.      define business requirements

2.      define the strategy

3.      identify long term and short term processes (quick win)

4.      present  the recommendations

5.      develop the plan and estimate budget

6.      develop the business case

                               ii.          ERP software selection and validation

zeiteck will provide the advice on best fit ERP system thus saving constraints in terms of money and time. this includes considering the best ERP, negotiate with suppliers and implement a realistic plan

                              iii.          organizational change management

zeiteck will help customer in overcome resistance and realizing the benefits and ROI


Contact Informations

logoMobile: +962 7 9551 2517
Email: info@zeiteck.com
Qattan Commercial Complex
Abdullah Ghosheh St 15, Amman.